Ral Madrigal, renowned Mexican painter, born in the state of Michoacan in the year 1942. His professional formation is performed at the Academy of San Carlos in Mexico City. In the year 1959, he joined the Academy of La Esmeralda with the intention to perfect his technique, what culture you it's invitation to attend a year of study at the Academie des Beaux Arts in Nancy, France and later to make a specialized course in human figure in the Accademia di Belle Arti in Rome Italy. Solo Exhibitions: 1968 The Mairie de Arles, France 1968 In the Mairie de Nimes, France 1968 In the Mairie de Montpellier, France 1969 In the Mairie de Avignon, France 1969 In the Mairie de Marseille, France 1970 In the Galley Elizondo , Mexico DF 1972 In Le Coin Des Arts, Montreal Canada 1972 At Our Lady of the Lake College, San Antonio, TX 1975 In the Middle Galera Pro-Arte, INBA Mxioo DF 1976, Humanities Faculty UAM Toluca Mexico. 1976 INBA, UAEV, Jalapa Veracruz, Mexico 1977 In the Balance Galera, Mexico DF 1977 In the Club Deportivo Israelita, Mexico DF 1977 In Las Galeras Chapultepec, Mexico DF 1977 In The Gallery Rive Gauche, M Mexico DF 1978 In Fonapaz, Acapulco, Guerrero, Mexico Group Exhibitions: 1970 Plaza of Spain, Rome Italy 1976 Collective Inaugural Rive Gauche, Mexico DF 1976 INBA Northern Mexico Traveler Collective Collective Hotel 1976 Prado, Mexico DF 1976 Inaugural Colectivs Bonampack Galera, Mexico DF 1976 Year End Collective Rive Gauche, 1977 Collective INDECO Mexico DF, Mexico DF 1978 Balance Galera, Mexico DF 1978 Superior Normal School, Mexico City 1978 Academy of San Carlos, Mexico City View also works in http://www.culturaenlinea.com.mx